Civilian Art Projects - Solo Show

"Feel Better Longer" / "Much - Much"

Jason Zimmerman and Jen Stark at Civilian Art Projects in D.C.

Opening: Friday May 9, 2008, 7-9pm May 9 – June 14, 2008 Exhibition Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 2 to 6pm and by appointment 406 7th Street NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20004 #(202) 347-0022


Here is a feature in the January 2008 edition of Wallpaper magazine: Wallpaper Magazine

take a look

Indian Magazine

My work was unknowingly featured in an Indian Magazine: Indian Magazine

...thanks to Jeff Rutzky for the finding the image

Translation of the page:


Sun rising from the veils of clouds... Breeze from the sea tickling our cheeks... Sweet sound of the nightingale form the tree...

These are the events that can inspire an idea into any artist. But Jen Stark is inspired from something completely different and cutting the papers this way. Her sister is a doctor. She used to watch the post-mortem of the corpses by her sister in the hospital. It's then the idea of such paper cutting struck her. Since then, she started cutting paper this way. The knife and the paper bowed in front of the art-filled heart of hers. Now she's giving shows of her work in various countries worldwide!"

Chicago Solo Show

"Little by Little" a solo show by Jen Stark

Opening Reception Friday September 14th from 7 to 11pm

@ Heaven Gallery 1550 North Milwaukee, 2nd floor, Chicago, Illinois 60622

Little By Little

show runs from September 14th to the 29th, 2007


The new issue is now on its way... superb cover artwork by Jen Stark, plus 160 pages full of exclusive artwork. To be released in september, watch out for the launching events where you may get it for free or with promotional discount. ROJO Cover

Artwork by:Jen Stark, Fupete, Javier Tles, Ros Dolan, Cubicles, Christophe Remy, Javier Fernandez Perez De Lis, Alessandro Mele, Ben Summers, Jonas Linell, Fellowsisters, Jan Von Holleven, P.Williams, Sacha Fédérowsky, Mars-1,Filipo Minelli, Charles, Wilkin, Ditz Fejer, Sergei Sviatchenko, MWM, Above, Miguel Avecilla Varela, Luca Cervini, Georg Molterer, Os Gemeos, Eruklab.

MAP Magazine

Here is a 2 page spread in MAP (Music Art People) a Miami-based magazine. This sculpture took me 100 days of intensive cutting to create. There are one million pieces total (seriously, I counted). It is titled, "How to Become a Millionaire in 100 Days": MAP cover

MAP page 1

Caption: "Jen Stark: 'How To Become a Millionaire In 100 Days'. 1,000,000 pieces of hand-cut paper. 2007