Tunnel Vision

"Tunnel Vision" a 20ft x 5ft x 5ft outdoor public sculpture. On view through April 22nd, 2018.
Commissoned by Santa Monica Cultural Affairs and curated by LeBasse Projects
ROAM Series
120 Colorado Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Designed by Jen Stark, “Tunnel Vision” is a tunnel of cascading ring shapes that morph shape and color. The front of the sculpture begins as an organic inner shape, which slowly morphs into a circle in the back. From one perspective, the sculpture is colored in a vivid rainbow gradient. The opposite end of the sculpture changes color scheme into black and white, creating an optical illusion and two unique perspectives of the piece. In this revealed element of surprise, viewers are encouraged walk around and interact with the sculpture. The sculpture also provides an oasis for neighbors and visitors to sit, relax and contemplate. Commissioned by Santa Monica Cultural Affairs through their ROAM series of temporary art installations. Curated by LeBasse Projects.
